Manhattan Released photo zine


Manhattan is beautiful, unique, and symbolic of the human spirit. Edward Stein traveled by foot through each and every neighborhood in Manhattan to photograph the “streets”, beginning at the Statue of liberty and up to the northern tip of Inwood. Throughout his journey, he found a diverse cityscape that varies in flavor based on the local.

Edward shot thousands of images which were distilled into a short sequence that creates a tug of war between the claustrophobic urban landscape and the natural world sprouting in-between its’ cracks. Edward documents our need for allegiance, faith, and a yearning for something less tangible using documentary-style photography.

First Edition of 60 copies

UPDATE: Manhattan Released was recently featured on the Art of Photography YouTube Channel. Link is in the About page.

Format: saddle stitch booklet
Number of pages: 40
Number of Images: 27
Publication date: April 2021
Measurements: 7.5 x 10 inches